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Slicing produce in Chinese cuisine

Cutting products and methods of heat treatment - two main processes are closely linked. Unevenly cut to length and thickness products during heat treatment either overcooked or undercooked. This dish will not be nutritious and delicious.


In Chinese cuisine, as indicated above, for most food products are cut in pieces of a small size.


Below gives an example of cutting products for some of the dishes described in this book. The cubes of 1 cm cut products for food " chicken fillet, roasted red pepper," " Pork fried in gunbao " etc.


Strips 2 mm thick, 6-8 cm long cut products for food, " Tenderloin fried with Szechuan cabbage ", " pasta salad ", " Seaweed salad with chicken ", etc.


Diamonds 1 cm thick, 2 cm long and 6-7 cm cut to food products, " Cut slices of stock ", " stock Pork loin slices," etc.


1.5-2 mm thick slices, 2 cm, 5-6 cm long cut products for a variety of dishes, " Lamb fried with mushrooms ", " Pork fried with noodles ", etc.


When cutting meat or fish in one piece per serving (" fried fish ", " fish fries ", " Cutting stock ", etc.) or products with cutting diamonds (" Tenderloin slices stock ", etc.), as well as the processing of porcine kidney, ducks and chicken giblets (stomach and liver) before heat treatment on both sides of the product make shallow oblique incisions (crosswise). The main focus of this treatment is drawn to the product to be evenly and at the same depth incised. This gives not only a beautiful appearance of the finished dish, but also enables us to avoid overcooking or not cooked well products. Chinese chefs slicing products enjoy large knives, hatchets. These cleavers cooks not only cut food into small pieces, and cut cucumbers but to fan the finest slices, cut into slice eggs, of which not crumble or pellet yolk, ham converted uphill almost transparent plates of ham, etc.

Category: Description of chinese Kitchen traditions | Added by: Devildog-leo (08.01.2014)
Views: 627 | Rating: 5.0/2
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