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Lotus seeds in caramel - recipe



Ingredients: Lotus seeds 100 , 50 sugars, wheat flour 30% of the unit 30, lard 30, soda drinking 50, 25 sesame seed. Portion weight 150 g


Boiled lotus seeds are heated in boiling water, then recline, caving in flour and fry in deep fat until a pale brown.


When your order is strongly heated pan with a small amount of fat and sugar is put under continuous stirring sticks (one way) were heated to caramelize sugar.


Prepared lotus seeds and put the pan, shaking, stirring them up until they are covered with caramel mass, then, continuing to shake, pour sesame seeds.


Appearance - white round grain in caramel.

Category: Chinese Kitchen | Added by: Devildog-leo (08.01.2014)
Views: 570 | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 0
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