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Pancakes for Peking duck - recipe



Ingredients: Wheat flour 30 % probability 40, water 15. Sesame oil 10. Weight pancake '25


Flour, sifted, brewed with boiling water and knead dough is not very. The dough is rolled into a flat wiring thickness of 5-6 cm diameter, flour and cut into small pieces (30 g).


Pieces of dough crush hand to the table, and then lubricate each piece of sesame oil and sleplivat pairs, oiled side inward. After this double tortillas rolled in the form of round pancakes, put on a dry frying pan and bake pancakes on both sides.


Appearance - 15 cm diameter pancake


Taste - baked, unleavened dough with sesame flavor.

Category: Chinese Kitchen | Added by: Devildog-leo (09.01.2014)
Views: 626 | Rating: 5.0/1
Total comments: 0
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