================================================= Ingredients: For the dough:
Wheat flour 30 % probability 65, water 20, lard 20 , 10 sugars, sesame seeds
25. For the stuffing: 1st option - internal lard 30 , 12 green onions, 2nd
option - powdered sugar 25 , 10 lard, flour 5, third option - red starch 20,
sugar 30, fat 10 , 4 - First option - jam, jam 40. Weight 120 g cake ================================================= From half (of the total)
sifted flour kneaded with the melted fat dough, and of the remaining flour
kneaded water less dough. The prepared dough is rolled out to form two squares,
where in a square of dough substituted by water, must be large. This large
square test laid smaller square and roll their envelope (for puffs), and then
the dough is rolled out flat seam and again put in an envelope and roll. The resulting seam roll, rolls,
it is rolled into a flat harness and cut into slices (50 g). Each piece of
dough is made into cakes, put the stuffing into the middle and connect the
edges, and then rolled into a lozenge. Stuffing is prepared as
follows. First embodiment. Internal
lard prepared and green onions, cut into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and
mix thoroughly. Second Embodiment. In powdered
sugar poured, consider lard, add the flour and mix thoroughly to form a
homogeneous mass. Third Embodiment. Ground red
pea starch is prepared in the same manner as a donut. Prepared tortillas with one
hand moistened sugar syrup and the same side, immersed in sesame seeds, then
put tortillas on a dry sheet and bake in the Ovens. Appearance - baked cakes
sprinkled with sesame seed.
Taste - sweet baked cakes with
sesame flavor.